Guess What We Did Today

If you know me, I do all things domestic pretty well, not excellent, but pretty well. I sew well enough to get by. I have signature dishes that people rave over. I make decorative cakes. Some turn out better than others. I've made over 20 full size gingerbread houses from scratch with a little help from my friends. I'm known for this sort of thing. Heck, I even sew Halloween Costumes. But, there is one thing I hate. One thing I hate so much. I dread it as a parent each year. I put it off. I hope that the kids won't ask. Maybe, just maybe, they'll forget this year… This year, I got saved by the e-mail. Saved. A friend wrote us… I've got more pumpkins than I can use in my backyard garden. Will you please come over and carve them? Hoping, and praying that this year, I won't have to stick my hand in goo and guts, I accepted the invitation. Not only did I discover that my baby 6 year old LOVES sticking her hand in guts, she'll do it for anyone who asks. She adores it. Saved by a tiny 6 year old. 

Are there any traditions that you dread? That you hope if you close your eyes, or oversleep that you'll get to skip?

#blog, #weareparents  


  1. M Kash January 22, 2015

    make pumkin manstor

  2. Kimi Witherell January 22, 2015
  3. Erika Thornes January 22, 2015

    +M Kash, we sure did! Quite a few, actually! It was fun.

  4. mo suhel January 22, 2015

    looking nice

  5. DJ McCormick January 22, 2015

    Hi. Im dj.

  6. DJ McCormick January 22, 2015

    Erika. His a nice women.

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