Can you guess the inspiration for each of these?

I guess it is time to release my full album from +Chrysta Rae's Photography Scavenger Hunt  by +Chrysta Rae . I had participated before, and I wasn't certain I wanted to do it again, as I put a lot of effort into my entries. My children begged me. They love the hunt. I decided to participate again, with the understanding that they'd help me, and we'd do it as an art history lesson. We studied and looked up famous works of art, we talked about what made them what they were. We practiced posing like them, and we did the hunt together. We did a theme within a theme. Famous works of art, using my kids either as models or helping me with the set up and execution. I feel that I succeeded in this hunt because I brought my kids into my photography, introduced them to artists and genres, and hunters were able to identify all the works of art or artists that I was working on learning from. It was a great experience and one I'm very glad I took part of. Thank you, +Chrysta Rae for all the work you put in, thank you +Sandra Parlow , +Brian Matiash , +RC Concepcion  and +Alan Shapiro for your judging. And thanks most of all to the fellow hunters, without you, this would have been a very solitary experience. With you, it becomes a pleasure and delight. Your creations astound me. So glad to be a small part in this great game. #blog

In album MAY SCAVENGER HUNT (10 photos)

Depth of Field by Erika Thornes

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  1. Joy Faubel June 13, 2012


  2. Frances Schermers June 13, 2012

    +Erika Thornes *You* are an inspiration. This is incredible work.

  3. flori de tei June 13, 2012

    innocence personified..

  4. Chris Bagley June 13, 2012

    It makes for a brilliant album now that I can see the art history theme! I'm extremely rusty but I recognize Monet, Warhol, Munch (not sure of the spelling ?) and a few I recognize but can't quite come up with the name. It was a pleasure and an honor hunting with you :)

  5. David Firstenberg June 13, 2012

    Great Album

  6. Alistair Nicol June 13, 2012

    Great work +Erika Thornes!  I especially like the little girl shot with the DaVinci textures.  That one really stands out to me.  

  7. Joseph Fanvu June 13, 2012

    I enjoy your photos so much! great album!

  8. Sandra Parlow June 13, 2012

    you did so well Ericka!  I love that you made this a family art history project!  Good for you!!

  9. Kirk Jordan June 13, 2012

    Best total album.

  10. Linda Reitz June 13, 2012

    +Erika Thornes, I shared this album with a friend as inspiration for a homeschooling project.  Your photos are incredible.  I can't believe you stuck to a theme-within-a-theme and still did so well. 

  11. Josh Kashif June 13, 2012

    nice work ur kids r so pretty lots of prayers for ur family 

  12. matt adcock June 13, 2012

    nice post production amiga.. .beautiful kids too!

  13. Erika Thornes June 13, 2012

    Thanks! :) It was fun, and I learned a lot. But, it makes me realize how much more I have to learn! Funny how that can of worms gets opened isn't it?

  14. Barbara Matthews June 13, 2012

    Wonderful album Erika!

  15. Black Widow June 13, 2012


  16. Sam Breach June 14, 2012

    You have such an  amazing album, +Erika Thornes – so much fun and memories to treasure for you and your family. Very well played!

  17. Tisha Craw June 14, 2012

    Great set, +Erika Thornes

  18. Shannon S. Myers June 14, 2012

    You blew me away with these +Erika Thornes outstanding….

  19. Charlene Grommesh June 14, 2012

    These are just awesome!

  20. Martin Kling June 14, 2012

    Somehow my comment ended on kirks post so I repeat: you totally rocked it this time!

  21. Felicitas Avendano June 14, 2012

    Wow! What an inspiration! What a great idea to make it a family affair and a learning opportunity for your kids. They will always remember it.
    I love seeing the whole album. I think you and +Jake Johnson may be starting a trend with this theme within a theme idea.

  22. Eric Raeber June 14, 2012

    The idea of how you involved your kids in the realization of that album is excellent and the execution is simply perfect!

  23. Ana Andrés June 15, 2012

    absolutly stunning pics and so good that your kids helped you :)

  24. Una Lee June 16, 2012

    You are simply amazing +Erika Thornes. And talented. And amazing. All of these photographs are stunning!

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