Blogging only on Google+

+Mike Elgan came up with a challenge for the month of August. Do do all of our blogging exclusively on Google+. I can handle that. This is a great place to be. Gives me an excuse to be more active… 

Now for being wordy… and actually typing more than just a quick caption might be a bit tougher for me. I'm quite talkative in person, but I tend towards brevity online… 

This will be a great experiment and challenge for me. 

I better get my blogging fingers ready…. #blog 

Want to join in? Here is the post to read

One Comment

  1. Nancy Levan August 2, 2013

    That sounds like an interesting challenge. I've never thought about bogging solely on Google+. It would be so much easier since I'm on here constantly! I hope you'll update us later with your thoughts on how it went.

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