People You Meet at the Beach

I stayed after, really late, after a silhouette beach session, and while these fishermen were in a few of our shots, I didn't mind. I asked if they didn't mind if I took their picture. They agreed, and suddenly, almost by magic, a fish was hooked. It was so much fun watching him reel it in. I spoke with the younger fisherman, and found out that the gentleman was turning 80 this fall, and they wanted the pictures for his slide show. I was so happy to be able to provide some pictures for their slide show, but really wish I would have known earlier when my light was better. It was so dark by the time I started hanging out with them. Next time, I'm bringing my video light to the beach. I think that would have helped tremendously. Lesson learned, and I got amazing photos anyway. I'm hoping to catch them again one of these nights. It would be great. #blog  


  1. Shannon Adelson August 9, 2013

    Fantastic silhouette! Really wonderful colors in the sky and horizon, too.

  2. Alisa Fox August 9, 2013

    Thanks for the share … it would seem like you were there for a reason #winwin

  3. Erika Thornes August 9, 2013

    +Alisa Fox , he was so nice. I really enjoyed meeting them both.

  4. Maki Silberberg August 9, 2013

    Oh I bet they'd love your silhouette shots too!!! This is fantastic!

  5. Dean Sonneborn August 10, 2013

    I can tell he's smiling. +Erika Thornes

  6. Amanda Starr August 10, 2013

    The silhouette is beautiful though +Erika Thornes

  7. Erika Thornes August 10, 2013

    +Dean Sonneborn , he was. He was. Very big smile.

  8. Erika Thornes August 10, 2013

    Thank you both +Maki Silberberg  and +Amanda Starr . I'm hoping that I hear back from them. I emailed the son the photos!

  9. Jeremy Nicoll August 10, 2013

    This is fantastic, +Erika Thornes.

  10. Chris Summers August 11, 2013

    Great shot and story +Erika Thornes This is kind of like "the early bird gets the worm" in reverse.

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